YCSAR Sponsorships are considered at monthly General Meetings which are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month (with the exception of December, when there is no meeting). Sponsorships are considered on a first-come, first considered basis, beginning in January of each year and are limited by a set sponsorship budget.

The YCSAR sponsorship criteria require that;

  • That requests be related to education, learning, first responders, law enforcement, military and/or youth and,

  • That applicant(s) attend a YCSAR General Meeting in person to present their request for sponsorship.

Application should be submitted by the 25th to be considered for attendance at the following month's meeting, keeping in mind that scheduling is done on a first-come, first scheduled basis and a final decision can take up to 45 days to be made. 

To request sponsorship by YCSAR click the link below to fill out the application.